psamm.graph – Graph Related Functions

class psamm.graph.Entity(props={})

Base class for graph entities.

class psamm.graph.Graph(props={})

Graph entity representing a collection of nodes and edges.


add node to a Graph entity. node: Node entity.


get Node object. :param node_id: text_type(compound object) or text_type(a string that

contains single or multiple reaction IDs).
write_graphviz(f, width, height)

Write the nodes and edges information into a dot file.

Print a given graph object to a graph file in the dot format. This graph can then be converted to an image file using the graphviz program.

  • self – Graph entity, including nodes and edges entities.
  • f – An empty file.
  • width – Width of final metabolic map.
  • height – Height of final metabolic map.
write_graphviz_compartmentalized(f, compartment_tree, extracellular, width, height)

Function to write compartmentalized version of dot file for graph.

Print a given graph object to a graph file in the dot format. In this graph, reaction nodes will be separated into different areas in the visualization based on the defined cellular compartments in the GEM.

  • self – Graph entity.
  • f – An empty file.
  • compartment_tree – a defaultdict of set, each element represents a compartment and its adjacent compartments.
  • extracellular – the extracellular compartment in the model
  • width – Width of final metabolic map.
  • height – Height of final metabolic map..

write a table file (.tsv) that contains nodes information.

Write all node information from a given graph object into a tab separated table. This table will include IDs, shapes, fill colors, and labels. This table can be used to import the graph information to other programs.

  • self – Graph entity.
  • f – An empty file.

Write a tab separated table that contains edges information, including edge source, edge dest, and edge properties.

Write all edge information from a given graph object into a tab separated table. This table will include IDs, source nodes and destination nodes. This table can be used to import the graph information to other programs.

  • self – Graph entity.
  • f – An empty TSV file.
class psamm.graph.Node(props={})

Node entity represents a vertex in the graph.

class psamm.graph.Edge(source, dest, props={})

Edge entity represents a connection between nodes.


Parse through model compounds and return a formula dict.

This function will parse the compound information in a given model and return a dictionary of compound IDs to compound formula objects.

Parameters:model – <class ‘psamm.datasource.native.NativeModel’>
psamm.graph.make_network_dict(nm, mm, subset=None, method='fpp', element=None, excluded_reactions=[], reaction_dict={}, analysis=None)

Create a dictionary of reactant/product pairs to reaction directions.

Returns a dictionary that connects predicted reactant/product pairs to their original reaction directions. This dictionary is used when generating bipartite graph objects. This can be done either using the FindPrimaryPairs method to predict reactant/product pairs or by mapping all possible pairs.

  • nm – <class ‘psamm.datasource.native.NativeModel’>, the native model
  • mm – <class ‘psamm.metabolicmodel.MetabolicModel’>, the metabolic model.
  • subset – None or path to a file that contains a list of reactions or compound ids. By default, it is None. It defines which reaction need to be visualized.
  • method – ‘fpp’ or ‘no-fpp’, the method used for visualization.
  • element – Symbol of chemical atom, such as ‘C’ (‘C’ indicates carbon).
  • excluded_reactions – a list that contains reactions excluded from visualization.
  • reaction_dict – dictionary of FBA or FVA results. By default it is an empty dictionary.
  • analysis – “None” type or a string indicates if FBA or FVA file is given in command line.

Print out network dictionary object to a tab separated table.

Print information from the dictionary “network_dict”. This information includes four items: reaction ID, reactant, product, and direction. this can table can be used as an input to other graph visualization and analysis software.

network_dict: Dictionary object from make_network_dict()
psamm.graph.make_cpair_dict(filter_dict, args_method, args_combine, style_flux_dict, hide_edges=[])

Create a mapping from compound pair to a defaultdict containing lists of reactions for the forward, reverse, and both directions.

Returns a dictionary that connects reactant/product pair to all reactions that contain this pair. Those reactions are stored in a dictionary and classified by reaction direction. For example: {(c1, c2): {‘forward’: [rxn1], ‘back’: [rxn3], ‘both’: [rxn4, rxn5]}, (c3, c4): {…}, …}

  • filter_dict – A dictionary mapping reaction entry to compound pairs (inside of the pairs there are cpd objects, not cpd IDs)
  • args_method – a string, including ‘fpp’ and ‘no-fpp’.
  • args_combine – combine level, default = 0, optional: 1 and 2.
  • style_flux_dict – a dictionary to set the edge style when fba or fva input is given.
  • hide_edges – to determine edges between which compound pair need to be hidden.
psamm.graph.make_bipartite_graph_object(cpairs_dict, new_id_mapping, method, args_combine, model_compound_entries, new_style_flux_dict, analysis=None)

Makes a bipartite graph object from a cpair_dict object.

Start from empty graph() and cpair dict to make a graph object. Nodes only have rxn/cpd ID and rxn/cpd entry info in this initial graph. The information can be modified to add on other properties like color, or names.

  • cpairs_dict – defaultdict of compound_pair: defaultdict of direction: reaction list. e.g. {(c1, c2): {‘forward”:[rx1], ‘both’:[rx2}}.
  • new_id_mapping – dictionary of rxn_id_suffix: rxn_id.
  • method – options=[‘fpp’, ‘no-fpp’, file_path].
  • args_combine – Command line argument, could be 0, 1, 2.
  • model_compound_entries – dict of cpd_id:compound_entry.
  • new_style_flux_dict – a dictionary to determine the edge style with the new reaction IDs.
return: A graph object that contains basic nodes and edges.
only ID and rxn/cpd entry are in node properties, no features like color, shape.

Assign value to different reaction directions