Generating Metabolic Models Based On Functional Annotations

This tutorial will go over how to use the psamm-generate-model functions in PSAMM. These functions are designed to allow users to generate draft models based on basic annotation information. Within psamm-generate-model, there are three functions: - generate-database: generates a database of metabolic reactions - generate-biomass: generates a draft biomass function - generate-transporters: generates a draft database of transporters


For information on how to install PSAMM and the associated requirements, as well how to download the materials required for this tutorial, you can reference the Installation and Materials section of the tutorial.

In addition to the basic installation of PSAMM, these functions utilize an API to interest with the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) to download model information. In order to interact with this API, the biopython package must be installed. The libchebipy package, which allows the user to query curated compound information from chebi.

To use this function, the user will have to generate an annotation file that contains gene ids in the first column and another column containing an annotation in one of other columns, which may be specified. For convenience of the user, the default format for the input of psamm-generate-model is the default output format for the eggnog mapper annotation software. This file will be required for generate-database and generate-transporters

Additional information required are the genome, proteome, and a gff file for the organism of interest. These files will be required for the generate-biomass function. It is recommended to use prodigal to generate the proteome and gff file.

For the purposes of this tutorial, these files have been provided for an organism of interest within the class Mollicutes.

(psamm-env) $ cd <PATH>/tutorial-part-7/

Basic use of the generate-database command

As noted above, the generate-database command uses an annotation file to query the KEGG database and download reaction data. You will need an active internet connection for this. There are three types of anntotation that can be used in order to generate the model (i.e. Reaction number - R00001; Enzyme commission number -; and Kegg Orthology - K00001, specified by R, EC, and KO, respectively). Reaction number directly queries the Kegg reaction. Enzyme commission numbers query all reacion numbers associated with that EC. Kegg orthology numbers query all reaction numbers associated with that KO.

The most basic usage of this is the following (showing an example for R, EC, and KO):

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                 --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv --type R \
                 --out mollicute_model_R
 (psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                 --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv --type EC \
                 --out mollicute_model_EC
 (psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                 --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv --type KO \
                 --out mollicute_model_KO

The output of these commands will be a model compatible with the psamm program, with a model.yaml, compounds.yaml, and reactions.yaml. Additional files will be created to ease curation of this draft model, specifically a log file that tracks compounds and reactions that have probably incorrect formulations, along with addition compounds and reactions files called compounds_generic.yaml and reactions_generic.yaml.

Generation of the initial model may take some time (expect 10-20 minutes for a bacterial genome). If the user is interested in tracking the progress of the program, it can be run in verbose mode.

(psamm-env) $ rm -r mollicute_model_R
 (psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                 --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv --type R \
                 --out mollicute_model_R --verbose

The above scripts generate the model with a default compartment of “C”. If a different initial compartment is required, use the –default_compartment flag. The following will assign “cyt” as the default compartment

(psamm-env) $ rm -r mollicute_model_R
 (psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                 --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv --type R \
                 --out mollicute_model --verbose --default_compartment cyt

The models output above use the default compound formulation in Kegg based on the first CHEBI assignment in the KEGG dblinks. In order to generate a more realistic model, the ability to adjust compound formula based on protonation states at a typical default pH (7.3) has been added using the Rhea database. This option is specified using the –rhea flag.

(psamm-env) $ rm -r mollicute_model_R
 (psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                 --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv --type R \
                 --out mollicute_model --verbose --rhea

If the user has a custom formulated annotation table, this may also be used to generate the model. In this case, the gene should be the first column in the table and the –col option can be used to specify the index of the column in the table specified with –annotations

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-database \
                --annotations custom.tsv --type R \
                --out custom_model --verbose --rhea --col 2

Basic use of the generate-transporters command

In addition to the database of metabolic reactions, another important component of metabolic models is the presence of transporters. These transporters are also predicted in the default eggnog function based on the classification from the Transporter Classification Database (TCDB). This Function can be run after the generate-database command and generates a new transporters.yaml file and transporter_log.tsv file. The basic usage is below:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-transporters \
                --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv \
                --model mollicute_model

The default compartments for this basic usage are “c” for internal compartment and “e” for external compartment, but these can be changed with –compartment_in and –compartment_out, as in the following:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-transporters \
                --annotations mollicute_eggnog.tsv \
                --model mollicute_model --compartment_in cyt \
                --compartment_out ext

If a custom annotation table is provided, it is handled similarly to in generate-database, where –col specifies the index of the column of the TCDB id.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-transporters \
                --annotations custom_transport.tsv \
                --model custom_model

It is also worth noting that the substrate and family information for these transporters are included in PSAMM as external files; however, if you would like to use custom annotation tables, these can be provided with –db_substrates and –db_families.

Basic use of the generate-biomass command

The last step in creating a functional metabolic model is creating the biomass functions which are used to simulate biological conditions in the cell. The generate-biomass command creates biomass reactions that account for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein in the cell. The basic formulation is to create all nucleotides and amino acids based on the ratios that they are present in your genome and annotation. Then, DNA, RNA, and protein are combined in a 1:1:1 ratio to form ‘biomass’.

Note that this biomass reaction should only serve as the starting point and can be further curated to include experimentally measured proportions of carbohydrates, lipids, and other components of the cell.

generate-biomass requires three external data sources which should have been created during annotation of the genome:

  1. The genome in fasta format (supplied with –genome)
  2. A proteome made from this genome in fasta format (supplied with –proteome)
  3. The annotation file in gff format (supplied with –gff)

Note: gff files can contain any type of annotation. generate-biomass specifically uses annotations labeled as ‘CDS’ in the third column of the gff file

Therefore the basic usage looks like this:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-biomass \
                --genome oyster_mollicutes_mag.fa \
                --proteome oyster_mollicutes_mag.faa \
                --gff oyster_mollicutes_mag.gff \
                --model mollicute_model

generate-biomass will output two new files: biomass_reactions.yaml and biomass_compounds.yaml. Additionally, it will edit your model.yaml to include these new files and assign the model a biomass function. There are a total of 79 compounds that are required for the biomass reactions - mostly nucleotides and amino acids (charged and uncharged forms). These compounds are used in the 20 amino acid charging reactions and 5 biomass reactions. If any of these compounds or reactions are missing from the model, they are automatically added in biomass_compounds.yaml and biomass_reactions.yaml.

Custom compound names using –config

By default, generate-biomass searches your model for required compounds using KEGG IDs and adds those that are missing to biomass_compounds.yaml. If you are using non-KEGG IDs for your compounds, they will not be detected nor included in the biomass reactions. To fix this, you can supply a config file which will relate KEGG compound IDs to your custom IDs. To use this feature first run:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-biomass \
                --generate-config > config.csv

This will save a table called config.csv which contains the internal ids and names of required compounds formatted like so:


IDs added to the third column will be used instead of the default IDs. For example, if you have a compound in your model called ‘Alanine’, you would edit the config file like so:


Then run generate-biomass using the --config flag:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-biomass \
                --genome oyster_mollicutes_mag.fa \
                --proteome oyster_mollicutes_mag.faa \
                --gff oyster_mollicutes_mag.gff \
                --model mollicute_model \
                --config config.csv

The config file can also be used to create a custom naming scheme even if the compounds don’t already exist in your model. In this case, if ‘Alanine’ was not present in your model, it would be created under the name ‘Alanine’ (instead of the default ‘C00041’)

Custom biomass reaction name using –biomass

When generate-biomass is run, it will create the main biomass function under the name ‘biomass’ and add it to your model.yaml. A different name can be supplied with the --biomass flag. Note that this name can also be changed after running generate-biomass by editting the id in biomass_reactions.yaml as well as the ‘biomass:’ attribute of your model file; this function exists only for convenience. Example usage:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-generate-model generate-biomass \
                --genome oyster_mollicutes_mag.fa \
                --proteome oyster_mollicutes_mag.faa \
                --gff oyster_mollicutes_mag.gff \
                --model mollicute_model
                --biomass Biomass_Mollicute_mag