psamm.lpsolver.gurobi – Gurobi LP solver

Linear programming solver using Gurobi.

class psamm.lpsolver.gurobi.Constraint(prob, name)

Represents a constraint in a gurobi.Problem.

class psamm.lpsolver.gurobi.Problem(**kwargs)

Represents an LP-problem of a gurobi.Solver.


Add constraints to the problem.

Each constraint is represented by a Relation, and the expression in that relation can be a set expression.

define(*names, **kwargs)

Define variable in the problem.

Variables must be defined before they can be accessed by var() or set(). This function takes keyword arguments lower and upper to define the bounds of the variable (default: -inf to inf). The keyword argument types can be used to select the type of the variable (Continuous (default), Binary or Integer). Setting any variables different than Continuous will turn the problem into an MILP problem.


The underlying Gurobi Model object.


Check whether variable is defined in the model.


Set linear objective of problem.


Set linear objective of problem.


Set type of problem (maximize or minimize).


Solve problem.

class psamm.lpsolver.gurobi.Result(prob)

Represents the solution to a gurobi.Problem.

This object will be returned from the gurobi.Problem.solve() method or by accessing the gurobi.Problem.result property after solving a problem. This class should not be instantiated manually.

Result will evaluate to a boolean according to the success of the solution, so checking the truth value of the result will immediately indicate whether solving was successful.


Return value of expression.


Return string indicating the error encountered on failure.


Return boolean indicating whether a solution was found.


Whether solution is unbounded

class psamm.lpsolver.gurobi.Solver

Represents an LP-solver using Gurobi.


Create a new LP-problem using the solver.