
Test suite

The python modules have test suites that allows us to automatically test various aspects of the module implementation. It is important to make sure that all tests run without failure before committing changes to any of the modules. The test suite is run by changing to the project directory and running

$ ./ test

To run the tests on all the supported Python platforms with additional tests for coding style (PEP8) and building documentation, use tox:

$ tox

When testing with tox, the local path for the Cplex python module must be provided in the environment variables CPLEX_PYTHON2_PACKAGE and CPLEX_PYTHON3_PACKAGE for Python 2 and Python 3, respectively. For example:

$ export CPLEX_PYTHON2_PACKAGE=/path/to/IBM/ILOG/CPLEX_StudioXXX/cplex/python/2.7/x86-64_osx
$ export CPLEX_PYTHON3_PACKAGE=/path/to/IBM/ILOG/CPLEX_StudioXXX/cplex/python/3.4/x86-64_osx
$ tox -e py27-cplex,py34-cplex


Python 3 support was added in a recent release of Cplex. Older versions only support Python 2.

Similarly, the local path to the Gurobi package must be specified in the environment variable GUROBI_PYTHON_PACKAGE:

$ export GUROBI_PYTHON_PACKAGE=/Library/gurobi604/mac64
$ tox -e py27-gurobi

Adding new tests

Adding or improving tests for python modules is highly encouraged. A test suite for a new module should be created in tests/test_<modulename>.py. These test suites use the built-in unittest module.

Documentation tests

In addition, some modules have documentation that can be tested using the doctest module. These test suites should also run without failure before any commits. They can be run by specifying the particular module (e.g the affine module in expression) using

$ python -m psamm.expression.affine -v