Supplementing your model with other data

This tutorial will go over using supplementary data from outside sources, such as the utilization of gene expression data to subset a model into “active” reactions, the use of a template model to generate a draft model based on reciprocal best hits, or the application of thermodynamic properties to further constrain modeling results through the gimme, psammotate, and TMFA.


The materials used in the part of the tutorial can be found in the tutorial-part-X directory in the psamm-tutorial repository. The previously used E. coli model will be reused here in order to demonstrate the use of the psammotate and gimme functions, which will be located in the tutorial-part-6/ directory. There will also be a tutorial-part-6/additional-data directory that contain the required materials for each of the following functions.

(psamm-env) $ cd <PATH>/tutorial-part-6/E_coli_yaml

Subsetting a Metabolic Models Using Expression Data with Gimme

This tutorial will go over using the gimme function to subset a metabolic model and create a new metabolic model based on gene expression data.

Constructing a Transcriptome File

The Gimme algorithm functionally subsets a model based on expression data provided using the --transcriptome-file argument. This file should contain two columns: one with each gene within a model and one with a measure of the expression of the gene, such as transcripts per million (TPM) or Reads Per Kilobase of transcript, per Million mapped reads (RPKM). For the purposes of this tutorial, expression data has been mocked up by randomly generating expression numbers for genes in the E. coli model.

Basic use of the Gimme command

To run Gimme, you must first specify the directory of the two column transcriptome file and specify a threshold value that defines at what threshold below which genes will be dropped from the new model. This produces a new model that drops any reactions coded by genes that do not meet this threshold. Any reactions associated with multiple genes must meet the threshold across all. Running the command as follows will print out a list of the internal reactions and a list of the external reaction that meet the thresholds.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model gimme --transcriptome-file additional-data/transcriptome.tsv --expression-threshold 100

As you increase the expression threshold, you will see fewer reactions retained within the model, which is shown below by using the word count function to count the number of lines returned by each iteration of gimme:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model gimme --transcriptome-file additional-data/transcriptome.tsv --expression-threshold 100 | wc -l

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model gimme --transcriptome-file additional-data/transcriptome.tsv --expression-threshold 500 | wc -l

This application of the gimme algorithm sets the objective biomass to 100%. That is to say that if a reaction is below the required threshold but is required to maintain biomass, it is kept. You can lower the required biomass with the --biomass-threshold flag, which will subsequently drop increasing numbers of reactions as they are no longer necessary to meet the biomass threshold. This is shown below by using the word count function to count the number of lines returned by each iteration of gimme:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model gimme --transcriptome-file additional-data/transcriptome.tsv --expression-threshold 100 --biomass-threshold 0.93757758084 | wc -l # Maximum for this model

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model gimme --transcriptome-file additional-data/transcriptome.tsv --expression-threshold 100 --biomass-threshold 0 | wc -l # No Biomass Threshold

In addition to simply writing out a list of reactions that satisfy the expression and biomass thresholds, by specifying --export-model, you can redirect the output to create an entirely new model.

(psamm-env) $ mkdir gimme_out

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model gimme --transcriptome-file additional-data/transcriptome.tsv --expression-threshold 100 --export-model ./gimme_out/

Generating a Draft Model From a Template Using Psammotate

This tutorial will go over using the psammotate function to generate draft models based on a reciprocal best hits file between the two models that provides gene associations based on mapping the genes from a reference file onto the genes of a draft model.


The materials used in this part of the tutorial can be found in the tutorial-part-7 directory in the psamm-tutorial repository. This directory contains a file called gene_associations.tsv which contains a two column reciprocal best hits mapping, mapping the genes in the E. coli model model to mock genes from a mock organism (the mock organism gene names are formatted as “imaginary{Integer}” and have been randomly generated).

Format of the Reciprocal Best Hits File

The psammotate program requires a reciprocal best hits file. This is essentially a file that must have two columns (among other potential information): (1) a list of genes from the organism you are drafting a model for (2) genes from the reference organism that are mapped to (i.e. share a row with)

genes from the draft organism based on some annotation

(3) using ‘-’ as the no mapping indicator This will allow you to create a model based on the curations of the reference organism and the annotations of the draft organism based on the gene associations. These columns need not be in any particular location within a table, as you will specify the index of the columns for the target and template genes.

If you do not have a gene association for every gene, the genes from the template model are retained by default. these lines may be simply left blank.

Basic use of the psammotate command

To run psammotate, you must specify the file containing the gene mapping between the template and the target model. Additionally, you must specify which columns contain the genes from the template model and which contain the genes from the target, or draft model, genes. This will by default generate a new reactions file called homolo_reactions.yaml in the current directory, that is formatted as a psamm reactions file and contains the new gene mappings from the draft model.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model psammotate --rbh additional-data/gene_associations.tsv --template 1 --target 2

The output file, homolo_reactions.yaml contains all of the reactions that were mapped with new gene annotations. Remember that if there is not gene annotation in gene_associations.tsv for a reference gene, it is kept by default with the gene name of “None”. This can also be seen in the standard output:

ReactionID  Original_Genes  Translated_Genes        In_final_model
ACALD       b0351 or b1241  imaginary7180 or imaginary2425  True
ACALDt      s0001   imaginary1481   True
ACKr        b3115 or b2296 or b1849 imaginary7287 or imaginary956 or imaginary1755  True
ACONTa      b0118 or b1276  imaginary4907 or imaginary2569  True
ACONTb      b0118 or b1276  imaginary4907 or imaginary2569  True
ACt2r       None    None    True

In this output, the first column is the reaction name, the second is the template gene name, the third is the target gene name, and the last column indicates if the gene was imported into homolo_reactions.yaml (True) or dropped from the model (False). If the reactions not mapped to should be dropped, use the –ignore-na option (Note, we cannot overwrite homolo_reactions.yaml, so lets remove it first):

(psamm-env) $ rm homolo_reactions.yaml

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model psammotate --rbh additional-data/gene_associations.tsv --template 1 --target 2 --ignore-na

Note the difference in the output, where the reaction ACt2r is now false and has not been imported into the new draft model:

ReactionID  Original_Genes  Translated_Genes        In_final_model
ACALD       b0351 or b1241  imaginary7180 or imaginary2425  True
ACALDt      s0001   imaginary1481   True
ACKr        b3115 or b2296 or b1849 imaginary7287 or imaginary956 or imaginary1755  True
ACONTa      b0118 or b1276  imaginary4907 or imaginary2569  True
ACONTb      b0118 or b1276  imaginary4907 or imaginary2569  True
ACt2r       None    None    False

Output options

There are several options for output file names/directories besides the default as well. If you would prefer to not use homolo_reactions.yaml, you can specify your own prefix using --output, as shown below:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model psammotate --rbh ../psammotate/gene_associations.tsv --template 1 --target 2 --output draft_reactions

Which will output the draft_reactions.yaml file instead of the homolo_reactions.yaml file.

Thermodynamics-Based Metabolic Flux Analysis

The tmfa function in psamm is an implementation of the TMFA algorithm as detailed in [Henry07]. This method incorporates additional thermodynamic constraints into the flux balance framework, allowing for the simulation of growth, while accounting for the thermodynamic feasibility of the metabolic reactions. Like the other two methods in this part of the tutorial, TMFA requires additional data to be prepared beforehand. For details on all of these input files, see the command line interface section related to the TMFA command TMFA (tmfa).

Note that TMFA is only compartible with the Gurobi and CPLEX LP solvers out of the four supported by PSAMM.

For this tutorial example tmfa data has been provided based based on the available data from another E. coli model in [Henry07]. Since multiple files are required to run tmfa, the command has been set up to use a central config.yaml file. This file is then used to specify the relative paths (from where you are running the program) to the various input files. This config file is specified through providing the path to the file through the --config command line argument.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml ....

This option allows for tmfa to be set up and run without having to specify paths to multiple files on the command line every time.

Basic TMFA Input Options

The tmfa command contains a few options that can be specified through the command line to designate things like biomass thresholds and the temperature that the simulation will be run at.

The first of these options is the --threshold option. This can be used to specify a value that the biomass flux will be fixed at during the tmfa simulations. For example to run a tmfa simulation where the biomass flux is fixed at 0.5, you can use the following command:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml --threshold 0.1 simulation

The next option that can be specified is the temperature that will be used for the simulation. Since temperature is a component of the calculation of the gibbs free energy of reactions, this parameter can affect the thermodynamics in the model. The temperature is given in Celsius.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml --threshold 0.1 --temp 15 simulation

The next option is related to the use of the error estimates in for the gibbs free energy of reaction values. For most prediction methods there will be some uncertainty in the estimation of the gibbs free energy values. This uncertainty can be incopertated into the tmfa simulation directly through using the --err option.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml --err simulation

The last general option for the tmfa command is the --hamilton option. This option allows the user to run tmfa with a slightly modified version of the algorithm that makes all reactions reversible, and only constraints the reversibility based on thermodynamics. This method is further detailed in the paper [Hamilton13]. To run the tmfa command using this option you can use the following command:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml --hamilton simulation

The TMFA command then contains two sub-commands that can be used for debugging, util, and for running simulations, simulation. To access these sub-commands you can run the tmfa command like so:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml util ....


(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml simulation ....

TMFA util functions

The TMFA Utility functions can be accessed through the util sub-command of the tmfa command. The command contains two utility functions, one is to generate a template configuration file that can be used when setting up new models to run tmfa. The option --generate-config can be used to generate a template configuration file called example-config.yaml.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml util --generate-config

The other utility function that is provided is the --random-addition function. This function can be used to randomly add thermodynamic constraints to the reactions in the model, and test if the biomass falls below a set threshold. This process can be used to test out the Gibbs free energy constraints for a model that is not producing biomass, to see what thermodynamic constraints might be causing problems.

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml --threshold 0.1 util --random-addition

Running Growth Simulations with TMFA

tmfa simulations can be run in two ways. By default the simulation will be run and will produce Flux Variability-like results that provide upper and lower bounds for the variables in the tmfa problem. This type of simulation can be run as follows to simulation growth at maximum biomass production with applying thermodynamic constraints:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config ./config.yaml simulation

This command will produce output like the following showing the variable type, name of the variable, the lower bound, and then upper bound:

Flux        CS      0.18355092011356122     0.18355092011362384
DGR CS      -42.528916818320724     -1.0000000010279564e-06
Zi  CS      1.0     1.0

In this example the variables associated with the Citrate Synthase reaction (CS), are shown. This simulation shows that the model does use the citrate synthase reaction and that this reaction is thermodynamically feasible (as indicated by the negative gibbs free energy value). The ‘Flux’ range shows the possible upper and lower bound of the flux values for the reactions in the simulation, the ‘DGR’ range shows the possible range of gibbs free energy of reaction values for the reaction, and lastly the ‘Zi’ variable shows the binary constraint variable that is used to constrain reactions to be on or off based on the thermodynamics. For the ‘Zi’ variable a 1 indicates that the reaction can carry flux, while 0 indicates that it cannot.

Further down the results, after the reactions have been printed out, the compound concentrations will be printed out. Similarly they show the compound ID and the lower and upper bounds of the compound concentrations. The concentrations are printed as molar values. Due to the small size of the E. coli core model, most of the metabolites are largely unconstrained and able to vary between the lower and upper bounds. But a few of the central metabolites do end up being constrained. For example in this model, many of the metabolites in the central carbon metabolism are constrained to some extent.

CONC        icit_c[c]       9.999e-06       0.007
CONC        co2_c[c]        9.999e-06       9.999e-05
CONC        2pg_c[c]        9.999e-06       0.0127

Some additional tmfa simulation options are provided in addition to the default FVA-like option. The first of these options runs a single FBA-like tmfa simulation that just provides one solution to the problem without simulating the variability of the variables. This type of simulation can be run with the following command:

(psamm-env) $ psamm-model tmfa --config config.yaml simulation --single-solution fba


psamm-model tmfa --config config.yaml simulation --single-solution l1min

These commands will produce just single values for each reactions or compound instead of providing a range of values. These functions are useful for testing and debugging, but will miss some of the inherent variability in the simulation.

Flux        NH4t_forward    0.9276730532906614
Flux        NH4t_reverse    0.0
Flux        O2t_forward     0.0
Flux        O2t_reverse     0.0
Flux        PDH     0.0
Flux        PFK     9.830773843510082
Flux        PFL     18.235468131213306

The last type of simulation function provided in the tmfa command is the randomsparse functions. These commands work in the same way as the randomsparse function in PSAMM and can be used to either do deletions based on genes or based on reactions.

(psamm-model) $ psamm-model tmfa --config config.yaml simulation --randomsparse


(psamm-model) $ psamm-model tmfa --config config.yaml simulation --randomsparse_genes

Overall the tmfa function can be used to explore a variety of metabolic features and provide a way to further explore the relationships between metabolic reactions through their thermodynamics.