psamm.bayesian – Bayesian Matching Functions

Calculate model mapping likelihood with bayesian.

class psamm.bayesian.CompoundEntry(id, name, formula, charge, kegg, cas)

Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 1

class psamm.bayesian.ReactionEntry(id, name, genes, equation, subsystem, ec)

Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 4

class psamm.bayesian.MappingModel(model)

Generate the internal structure for model mapping.


Print model summary


Check that reaction compounds are defined in the model

class psamm.bayesian.BayesianCompoundPredictor(model1, model2, nproc=1, outpath='.', log=False, kegg=False)

Predict model compound mappings based on a Bayesian model.

  • model1psamm.bayesian.MappingModel.
  • model2psamm.bayesian.MappingModel.
  • nproc – number of processes used for mapping.
  • outpath – the path to output the detailed log file.
  • log – whether to output log file of the p_match and p_no_match.
  • kegg – whether to compare the KEGG id.

Return pandas.DataFrame style of raw mapping table.


Return pandas.DataFrame style of best mapping for each query.


Return the cpd_pred used for reaction mapping.

class psamm.bayesian.BayesianReactionPredictor(model1, model2, cpd_pred, nproc=1, outpath='.', log=False, gene=False, compartment_map={}, gene_map={})

Predict model reaction mappings based on a Bayesian model.

  • model1psamm.bayesian.MappingModel.
  • model2psamm.bayesian.MappingModel.
  • cpd_predpandas.Series with compound pairs as index, compound mapping score as value.
  • nproc – number of processes used for mapping.
  • outpath – the path to output the detailed log file.
  • log – whether to output log file of the p_match and p_no_match.
  • gene – whether to compare the gene association.
  • compartment_map – dictionary mapping compartment id in the query model to the id in the target model.
  • gene_map – dictionary mapping gene id in the query model to the id in the target model.

Return pandas.DataFrame style of raw mapping table.


Return pandas.DataFrame style of best mapping for each query.

psamm.bayesian.reaction_equation_mapping_approx_max_likelihood(cpd_set1, cpd_set2, cpd_map, cpd_score, compartment_map={})

Calculate equation likelihood based on compound mapping.

psamm.bayesian.reaction_equation_compound_mapping_likelihood(r1, r2, *args, **kwargs)

Get the likelihood of reaction equations

Parameters:r2 (r1,) – two RactionEntry objects to be compared
args, kwargs:
cpd_map: dictionary mapping compound id in the query model to a set
of best-mapping compound ids in the target model.
cpd_score: dictionary mapping compound id in the query model to
its best mapping score during compound mapping.
compartment_map: dictionary mapping compartment id in the query model
to the id in the target model.
psamm.bayesian.get_best_p_value_set(r1, r2, *args, **kwargs)

Assume equations may have reversed direction, report best mapping p.

psamm.bayesian.merge_partial_p_set(cpd_set1_left, cpd_set2_left, cpd_set1_right, cpd_set2_right, *args, **kwargs)

Merge the left hand side and right hand side p values together.

The compound mapping is done separately on left hand side and right hand side. Then the corresponding p_match and p_no_match are merged together.

psamm.bayesian.fake_likelihood(e1, e2)

Generate fake likelihood if corresponding mapping is not required.

psamm.bayesian.pairwise_likelihood(pool, chunksize, model1, model2, likelihood, *args, **kwargs)

Compute likelihood of all pairwise comparisons.

Returns likelihoods as a dataframe with a column for each hypothesis.


Combine likelihood dataframes.

psamm.bayesian.bayes_posterior(prior, likelihood_df)

Calculate posterior given likelihoods and prior.

psamm.bayesian.map_model_compounds(model1, model2, nproc=1, outpath='.', log=False, kegg=False)

Map compounds of two models.

psamm.bayesian.map_model_reactions(model1, model2, cpd_map, cpd_score, nproc=1, outpath='.', log=False, gene=False, compartment_map={}, gene_map={})

Map reactions of two models.